NEW Red Course
The maintenance of the red course, which boasts a difficult course in the adventure park, has been completed and it is available from 6/26. Please keep playing! この投稿をInstagramで見る アドパ(@nacadventurepark)がシェアした投稿
The biggest adventure park in Japan
The maintenance of the red course, which boasts a difficult course in the adventure park, has been completed and it is available from 6/26. Please keep playing! この投稿をInstagramで見る アドパ(@nacadventurepark)がシェアした投稿
Winter 2021-2022 will officially commence on November 20, 2021. All tours, groups and private, will have to do advanced booking. We can accept calls, emails or fax for those that 続きを読む →
Starting today, March 15 until the end of the month, the Park will be doing a major promo for all students! Students can play all day for ¥3,000 from 09:00 続きを読む →
By now, everyone knows that the NAC Adventure Park is open all year round. The biggest tree park in the country, and it is open for all ages – with 続きを読む →
Starting this weekend, the Adventure Park will be open for locals (Rankoshi, Niseko, Kutchan, Makkari, Kyogoku and Kimobetsu) at a discounted rate! Adults pay only ¥3,000 instead of ¥5,000! Elementary 続きを読む →
We would like to inform everyone that starting tomorrow (April 20) until May 6, the Adventure Park will be closed. Due to the ongoing state of emergency, we would like 続きを読む →
In compliance with the state of emergency to avoid the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19), please be guided accordingly: Reminders for health check: Please check your body temperature before leaving 続きを読む →
Staring April 4, local residents within Shiribeshi area (Rankoshi, Makkari, Niseko, Kutchan, Kyogoku, Kimobetsu) will get to enjoy rafting at a discounted rate! Groups of 4 people with at least 続きを読む →
ATTENTION: ALL STUDENTS Spring Break discounts are up for grabs until end of the month! Elementary students: ¥2,700 Junior High School, High School and University students: ¥3,500 Hurry and enjoy 続きを読む →
Starting Monday, March 23, 2020, local residents can avail of the discounted rates earlier than last year! A group of up to 4 people plus our local guide from the 続きを読む →