Category: info
NEW Red Course
The maintenance of the red course, which boasts a difficult course in the adventure park, has been completed and it is available from 6/26. Please keep playing! この投稿をInstagramで見る アドパ(@nacadventurepark)がシェアした投稿
Winter season starts this November 20!
Winter 2021-2022 will officially commence on November 20, 2021. All tours, groups and private, will have to do advanced booking. We can accept calls, emails or fax for those that 続きを読む →
Spring Student Discount starts today!
Starting today, March 15 until the end of the month, the Park will be doing a major promo for all students! Students can play all day for ¥3,000 from 09:00 続きを読む →
Adventure Park is LIT!
By now, everyone knows that the NAC Adventure Park is open all year round. The biggest tree park in the country, and it is open for all ages – with 続きを読む →
Park resumes on May 30 for locals!
Starting this weekend, the Adventure Park will be open for locals (Rankoshi, Niseko, Kutchan, Makkari, Kyogoku and Kimobetsu) at a discounted rate! Adults pay only ¥3,000 instead of ¥5,000! Elementary 続きを読む →
Adventure Park will be temporarily closed
We would like to inform everyone that starting tomorrow (April 20) until May 6, the Adventure Park will be closed. Due to the ongoing state of emergency, we would like 続きを読む →
Customer Reminders
In compliance with the state of emergency to avoid the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19), please be guided accordingly: Reminders for health check: Please check your body temperature before leaving 続きを読む →
Adventure Park Discounts for Local Residents
Staring April 4, local residents within Shiribeshi area (Rankoshi, Makkari, Niseko, Kutchan, Kyogoku, Kimobetsu) will get to enjoy rafting at a discounted rate! Groups of 4 people with at least 続きを読む →
Spring Break Student Discounts!
ATTENTION: ALL STUDENTS Spring Break discounts are up for grabs until end of the month! Elementary students: ¥2,700 Junior High School, High School and University students: ¥3,500 Hurry and enjoy 続きを読む →